Saturday December 21, 2024

Focus on: Architecture

Architecture is the most perfect blend of art and science.  Architects dream big and design big – whether it’s a multi level museum or a high rise structure that’s in the heart of Chicago.  They must have insight and the ability to see how the drawings and blueprints translate into real life and steel, bricks […]

Your First Job – What to Expect

It’s a rite of passage, whether you’re graduating college and preparing to enter the workforce for the first time in your life of if you’re looking for your first after school job in an effort to save enough money to buy your first car, we all have the “first day” stresses.  No matter where that […]

When the Layoffs Hit Close to Home

Folks are still receiving the pink slips and while the news out of Washington can be confusing in terms of whether the economy’s actually recovering or not, odds are, it’s affected you on a personal level over the past few years.  One of those areas that it might have affected you and your household is […]